The Trout Line September 6, 2021


September 6, 2021


Welcome to The Trout Line Newsletter! This is our Tualatin Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter newsletter that will be coming out twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month.

 September's Chapter Meeting - UPDATE - Now Virtual!

Due to the increase of the Delta variant, we are canceling our in-person chapter meeting and moving it to a virtual chapter meeting.   The meeting will be starting at 6:30 on Zoom.  See the link list below.

Our presenter Sarah Zwissler, Trout Unlimited’s Salmon SuperHwy Coordinator, will give an update on progress and new developments in the Salmon SuperHwy project on the North Oregon Coast. The Salmon SuperHwy is a partnership driven effort to remove fish passage barriers and reconnect habitat over the six river landscape of the Nestucca and Tillamook Bay watersheds. It is unprecedented in its strategy and scope, combining the latest science with local expertise to determine the highest conservation return on investment. The program yields multiple benefits, not just for fish, but for people, too, by improving transportation infrastructure and reducing chronic flooding and erosion, and increasing storm resiliency throughout Tillamook County.

Topic: TVTU Chapter Meeting
Time: Sep 8, 2021, 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 941 345 6204
Passcode: 1604


2021 Fishing Trips

***September 23-28 Fall River Outing Trip is coming up, camping at the Fall River Campground***

Sponsored by the Clackamas River and Tualatin Valley Chapters of Trout Unlimited

World events are changing on a daily basis and we are making decisions based on health and safety.  Our chapters are following guidelines as set forth by the State of Oregon and Trout Unlimited National.  Physical distancing, face coverings, hand sanitizing and all required protocols with be followed at all events.  Each outing / event, will be evaluated in advance and notifications of potential changes will be posted via CRTU & TVTU websites, social media and our newsletters.

Locations and dates are subject to change due to weather, wildfire season, road conditions and all state and local Covid-19 / pandemic restrictions.  All trips are campouts unless otherwise specified, please plan accordingly.  Membership in Trout Unlimited is not required to attend, everyone is welcome so bring a friend!  For up-to-date, please check chapter websites prior to departure. 

More Information:

TVTU Website:

TVTU Facebook Page:

C4C Facebook Page: