The Trout Line Newsletter - October 21, 2019


October 21, 2019


Welcome to The Trout Line Newsletter! This is our Tualatin Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter newsletter that will be coming out twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month.


Notice of TVTU Annual Chapter Members Meeting

The Annual Meeting of Members of the Tualatin Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter will take place at 7 p.m. (social time at 6:30 p.m.) on November 13, 2019 at Lucky Labrador Public House, 7675 Capitol Highway, Portland.

The agenda will include:

1. Elections
2. Treasurer's Report on income, expenses, and cash-on-hand.
3. President's Annual Report to members              


Fly of the Month - Rocky Ford Creek Minileech

Written by Mike Gentry
This issue's Fly of the Month may be an anomaly since it was discovered specific to a particular location in Eastern Washington.  Those of you familiar with Rocky Ford Creek may have encountered this pattern from a local fly shop, and if so you'll know how deadly it was at that water when few other patterns were working.  I'm not sure why the big, aggressive fish shunned larger leech patterns in favor if this mini-bite, but you should have no doubt that this is the go-to fly for those finicky feeders.  And I suspect that in other similar waters this little guy will be equally effective.

Hook:        Tiemco 5263, Size 14 or 16
Thread:     Olive 8/0
Weight:     Extra small lead wire
Tail:           Olive marabou tips
Body:        Olive marabou strands
Ribbing (optional):        Olive 8/0

1. Wind an underbody of lead wire from just in front of the hook bend to just behind the hook eye.

2. Tie in the tail of marabou tips just behind the back of the lead.  The tail should be the length of the body.

3.  Tie in, tip first, eight or nine long marabou strands (the individual strands coming off the spine of the marabou feather) just behind the back of the lead.

4.  If ribbing is desired, tie in a six inch length of olive thread just behind the back of the lead and leave the thread length sticking back behind tbe fly.  Ribbing will help the fly from being torn up and give it more life, but does distort the fullness of the body a bit.  Both ribbed and unribbed flies work well.

5.  To create the body, make a "yarn" of the marabou strands by holding the strands straight up (with light tension against the tie-in point) and twisting the butt ends of the strands nine or ten rotations with your fingers, and then wind the "yarn" forward (again, with light tension) in tight turns to the front of of the lead, tie off and trim.

6. If ribbing thread was added, counterwind the thread six or seven turns to the front of the body and tie off, trying not to pull down and compress any more of the marabou body fibers than necessary.

7. Wrap a head with thread and apply a small drop of head cement.



Meetings Location and Dates

Regular chapter meetings are held at the Lucky Labrador Public House 7675 SW Capitol Hwy. Portland, OR 97219 (503) 244-2537.  Food and beverage available.  Social get together starts at 6:30 pm and formal meeting starts at 7:00 pm unless otherwise noted in the newsletter or website.

November Meeting - Nov. 13, 2019  - Curt Mykut - Chicken Creek Restoration

Beginning July 2019, a small tributary stream to the Tualatin River, known as Chicken Creek, will be restored to its natural, curving flow at Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge’s Atfalat’i Unit. The project aims to restore natural stream and wetland floodplain functions, where the realigned Creek will feed a portion of the Atfalat’i Units once heavily managed wetland impoundments. Anticipated beaver activity in the restored Creek channel will cause water to pond, and in concert with the native vegetation planted by the Refuge, will result in 280 acres of wetlands and 2 miles of stream habitat supporting a healthy, diverse array of plants, fish and wildlife.  For more information or the latest update:




More Information:


TVTU Website:

TVTU Facebook Page:

C4C Facebook Page: