The Trout Line August 16, 2021
August 16, 2021
Welcome to The Trout Line Newsletter! This is our Tualatin Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter newsletter that will be coming out twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month.
September's Chapter Meeting
Great news! Lucky Lab is back open so we will be having our September 8 Chapter meeting in person! We are so excited to see everybody again. Lucky Labrador Public House 7675 SW Capitol Hwy. Portland, OR 97219 (503) 244-2537. Food and beverage are available. Social get together starts at 6:30 pm and the formal meeting starts at 7:00 pm unless otherwise noted in the newsletter or website.
Fly of the Month - Pale Morning Dun
OK - admittedly, this pattern is somewhat delicate given its smallness. But hey, everyone needs to stretch their limits now and then! No one will dispute that Pale Morning Duns should be a standard member of the Basic Dozen flies in our vests.
Hook: Tiemco 100 #s 16-18
Thread: Cream or pale Yellow 8/0
Tail: Ginger hackle splines
Body: Cream or pale yellow superfine dubbing
Hackle: Brown partridge
Wing: "Clear" or light amber Z-lon
1. Tie in a tail of six or so ginger hackle fibers, the tail approximately the length of the body.
2. Wind the thread forward about 3/4 of the distance from the tail tie-in point to the back of the eye.
3. Snip a 1 1/2 inch or so piece of Z-lon. Divide with a bobbin and fingers so that you're only using about 1/2 of the strands (about 12 or so individual strands). There will only be a "hint" of a sparkly wing.
4. Tie in the Z-lon on top of the hook with most of it sticking forward; tightly wrap the back end of the Z-lon with three or four wraps. Snip the rest of the Z-lon in back as close to the tie-in point as possible.
5. Holding the Z-lon straight up with one hand, put two or three tight wraps of thread against the front (eye-side) of the Z-lon to hold it in an upright position.
6. Wind the thread back to the tail tie-in point, make a dubbing loop and dub in a thin, slightly increasing body to wind over the hook to just behind the upright Z-lon. Tie of and clip the excess.
7. Tie in a ginger or light brown hackle, butt-end first, and make four or five wraps behind and two or three wraps in front of the Z-lon. I find it easy to move the upright Z-lon out of the way of the wrapping by moving it with my fingertips when I wrap. Tie off and clip.
8. Finish the head with thread wraps, clip and hold with a small drop of head cement.
9. Holding the Z-long up with your fingers, clip it off just about the top of the hackle to finish the wings.
More Information:
TVTU Website:
TVTU Facebook Page:
C4C Facebook Page: