President's Column - July/August 2017

The new book from Trout Unlimited is now available.  “Trout Tips” is a great collection of fishing advice and one of the best books I have read in recent years.  The fact that it includes my tip as one of 250 does not influence my opinion. 

My fishing tip :


“A Little Black Nothing”


“Use simple, effective flies that are generic imitations for insects on your local waters.  An example is the soft hackle fly, especially with a black sparkle dubbing body and black hackle.  It has been around for centuries and it catches fish on lakes or streams.  In my state of Oregon, it may represent an alderfly, ant, beetle, caddis, midge, or many others.  For your region, you may have to look for the likely hatches.  Also, this fly is quick and easy to tie.


The first time I fished with my friend John, he asked for a suggestion of a fly to try.  I showed him the black soft hackle.  He exclaimed, “But that’s just a little black nothing!”  After using it for a few hours and catching 20 trout, he was very pleased with his new “killer fly.””


All the author royalties go to TU and TU will feature this book as a  premium in the summer Calendar Campaign.


We will take our traditional break from chapter meetings in July and August.  When we return in September, our guest speaker will be Stacie Kelsey from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.  Her program will be about trout fishing opportunities in SW Washington.  It will be a fun evening.


Please plan to attend the TVTU picnic on July 12 at Cook Park.  I hope to see you there.